
Hey there, I'm Abby! Thanks for making the long journey! I am so happy to have you here in this pocket of the WWWWW (wild wild world wide web).

I am currently a third-year at University of California, Berkeley and I am studying data science with a minor in the lovely computer science!

Some of my data science interests lie in natural language processing, deep learning, geospacial analysis, & data visualization. More generally, I am focused on and am passionate about the use of data science as a tool to help us understand the world around us, ethical AI & data usage, and the maintenance of a critical lens despite the increasingly blinded techno-optimist culture promoted through less-than-thoughtful business.

My favorite trees are eucalyptus, cypress, and California redwood trees. I love the fog and rain, but also am a fan of the sun (who isn't?). My hobbies include going on walks with friends, visiting new places, and thinking about how odd it is to be thinking. If that isn't enough of an introduction, after careful thought and consideration I think that if I was a data structure instead of a human I would be a hashMap.

VIL (very important lists):

NPR's best tiny desks (in my humble opinion)

top songs to listen to on a iMac G3 in "bondi blue"

hidden Berkeley treasures